Library Rules
- We require the first and last name, current post address, current phone number, email address and signed statement of agreement to patron requirements of each patron. We only use this information to keep track of our items, insure the return of our items, and, optionally, to send patrons library news.
- Members may be required to present their library cards in order to check out books.
- An item may be renewed once via email or phone call by the item's due date, if another patron has not requested the item. To renew an item a second time, the item must be brought to the library in person.
- The fine for an overdue item is CHF 2.- per overdue week or part thereof. The maximum fine is 10CHF per item. After that, the patron is required to pay the list price of the book (minus the 10CHF already paid) so the library can replace it.
- A patron can reserve an item currently checked out by another patron in person, on the website, or by telephone. The librarian will notify the patron by email as soon as the item becomes available.
- If an item is lost or damaged to the point it cannot be enjoyed by other patrons (at the librarian’s discretion), the patron will pay the library the item’s current list price so that it can be replaced. This includes shipping, if shipping is necessary. The library is dedicated to replacing items in the most cost-effective manner available.
- The library reserves the right to refuse membership on the basis of a patron’s failure to fulfil patron requirements.
- Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are responsible for all children, whether they are with the child when he/she used the library or not.
- Guests in the library are expected to act kindly and respectfully toward all others in the library and toward all library property.
- Guests in the library must comply with all posted signs protecting the safety of guests and library property.
- As a library with Christian values, we black out the disrespectful use of God’s name in our books. This is the only thing we black out.